Monday, August 19, 2013

The Sweetheart Free

The Huff Post carried the following story recently,
"With precious time remaining before the health care exchanges established by the president’s health care law are up and running, the Obama administration is rolling out new initiatives to encourage enrollment. The latest of these is set to be unveiled on Monday, when the Department of Health and Human Services will debut a video contest — complete with cash prizes — designed to persuade younger consumers to get insurance."
Having recently watched Natalie Wood sing "The Sweetheart Tree" or "There is a Tree in the Forest", I have decided to enter the contest. I have tastefully adapted the lyrics as follows,
They say there's something free in insurance  
Something free that you'll get when you sign 
Come along to the Obamacare dance 
Come and carve your name next to mine  
They say if you kiss up to the right politician  
The one you've been waiting for all this time 
Big bundles of green will burst into sight  
And his love will be yours evermore.
Now if I can only find a girl who looks like Natalie Wood to help me make the video.